About the ISO/IEC 21000-6 Registration Authority
The ISO/IEC 21000-6 Registration Authority is the body tasked by ISO/IEC JTC1 to maintain the Terms and TermSets that are:
The ISO/IEC 21000-6 Registration Authority is the International DOI Foundation.
About the International DOI Foundation
The International DOI Foundation is an open membership body which developed and is deploying the Digital Object Identifier (DOI), a system for persistent identification and semantic interoperability of intellectual property in the digital environment. The DOI system uses the Handle System as a mechanism for internet resolution of identifiers, and the principles of semantic interoperability through contextual ontology mapping, as used in the RDD, for the definition of identifier referents. The DOI system is currently a work item of ISO TC 46/SC 9.
The International DOI Foundation is international in its membership and activities. It deploys the DOI system through a number of authorised memeber registration agencies around the world. It is a "not for profit" non-stock membership corporation under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, USA.
The Foundation is controlled by a Board, elected by the members of the Foundation.
Governance of the ISO/IEC 21000-6 Registration Authority
The International DOI Foundation intends to widen the base of governance and support of the ISO/IEC 21000-6 for which it acts as Registration Authority. A Registration Authority Management Group is being created to help oversee the dictionary's operation. The RA Management Group will also provide a governance procedure for disputes, as required by ISO/IEC JTC1 directives.
The IDF has invited representatives of key sector bodies and stakeholders to join this group; the International Federation of the Phonographic Industries and the Motion Picture Association will be included.